I am getting sick and tired of seeing incomplete lists of kernel flags. I always find a new one's and then I wonder what other ones are out there. So here is a list of all the ones I have come across because I cant find an extensive list like this anywhere else. I also would like to see others help add to this list. Mods do you think this can be a sticky? thumbsup_anim.gif
The Flags are divided up this way.
By category they fit in. Those are boot loader & kernel level flags.
A. By version of OS X they work with. Currently I have little data for this breakdown. It is impossible to tell which ones are specific to a OS version without extensive testing of each flag.
B. By kernel they work with. Only data I have for this breakdown is for hacked and vanilla kernels in Leopard currently.
Note: All unknown flags will go in separate list at the bottom of the category they belong to or in there own separate category for now. Once more information is gathered the list will be updated and flag categorized better.
I am asking anyone to help with notes or details for any flag to please step forward with any additional information you have.
Darwin boot loader level flags, for Darwin version 8.0:
-v = verbose mode. Basically tells you wants happening during boot up.
-x = Safe mode. Basically boots your system with the bare minimum kexts.
-s = Single user mode. Command line only mode. Allows you to run commands as root to fix system.
-f = Tells the machine to reload all kext and dump the boot configuration cache, (kext cache found in: /System/Library/Extensions.mkext, you can delete it manually and the system will recreate it).
"Graphics Mode"= Tells the system what resolution width, height, color depth & refresh rate to boot the OS with.
Ex: "Graphics Mode"="1024x768x32" WIDTHxHEIGHTxDEPTH
in Snow leopard, may cause a looping/alway reboot if no bootflag define
busratio=xx .. xx value betwen 16 to 24, its value based on type of processor that using
arch=1386 .. boot mode in 32bit
-force64 ... force to boot mode in 64bit
Example :
Intel Processor Core i5 650, use bootflag busratio=24
Intel Processor Core i7 920, use bootflah busratio=20
table of busratio from tonymacx86
source : insanelymac and tonymacx86
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